
Urban Ministry: The Kingdom, the City & the People of God is unavailable, but you can change that!

The city presents serious challenges that cry out for answers: poverty, racism, human exploitation and government corruption. How can the church move ahead in the midst of these demands with the gospel of hope? Here, in one comprehensive volume, Harvie Conn and Manuel Ortiz, two noted scholars and proven practitioners of urban ministry, address the vital work of the church in the city. Their...

new ideas and products to Europe’s reawakening cities (Pirenne 1952). As commerce and trade expanded, so did the cities. In the year 1000 Europe boasted some thirty-five to forty-five cities with populations of more than twenty thousand. By 1340 that figure had probably risen to more than one hundred (Bairoch 1988:136). By the start of the fourteenth century there were five European cities with populations likely exceeding 100,000. Paris had jumped from 20,000 in the year 1000 to around 160,000 in
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